English language

Increasingly in the Russian language appear in English expressions, phrases, words. Why, how and where? Many linguists given this subject much attention, as some anglicisms have acquired social significance.

Time changes life so quickly that sometimes changes, which appeared yesterday, today accepted as a given. Any language changing equally rapidly, namely his vocabulary – words, phrases.
English has a leading position in the world. Every day in the "Russian dictionary" English borrowings appear. The Internet, international contacts, international market, technology, cultural events – all this influences on the Russian language.

Linguists call words that came from English, anglicisms. Did you know that using them every day? Want to see this?

One of the main reasons for the appearance of anglicisms in the Russian language – is the fashion for English. For example, even with Russian counterparts, we use instead of disposal – recycling, instead of bodybuilding – bodybuilding, trends trend, truck replaces a truck the spray. Creative people we call creative, filmmakers – or filmmakers moviemakers. Why? People, including her speech such clofazamine, as if demonstrating its prestige, high status.

Russian language appear in English expressions

Russian language

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Language, like everything in this world develops and changes every day. With the original form, as such, in modern English a little bit. Permanent conquest, the mixing of cultures, the invasions of various tribes and economic relations with other countries brings many new things. And today these innovations seem to be primordial, they are accepted as a given. But why is English the international language? He won this status, tell us about this story.

Yes, sometimes surprised by the fact that Britain is in size not very big. But the language of this country gained the leading position in the world. Russia, for example, is many times greater than on-site, but the number of learners of Russian are much smaller. Will put everything in its places and explain the history of the English language (the history of english language).

Gradually Anglo-Saxon

Gradually Anglo-Saxon dialect became international. Why is he? Because England has always been a Maritime nation, strong and powerful. She conducted trade with many countries. And American immigrants has only added to its impact. Many scientists of this country made a major contribution to science, thus bringing the new terms into the global dictionary. In the 17th-19th centuries the British Empire began its territorial expansion. In connection with the seizure of new lands in various parts of the globe has increased and the spread of the English language. The suppression of local dialects was not joking. By the early 20th century he increasingly beginning to be used at international conferences, during negotiations, the League of Nations. It was at this point and there was a need for effective teaching. This has stimulated linguists from different countries to start looking for optimal solutions for its study.


Even today, the language never ceases to change. For example, increasingly used phrasal verbs, which stand to gain the use with already, so to speak, historical first parents. Most likely this is due to their brevity, and that means liveliness and richness. And, of course, increasingly used abbreviations. Despite the fact that slang plays an important role in the life of language, it varies a lot every day and does not stay there long.

English as a world language

Thus, we can say that a single proto-language existed. It's a mixture of the vocabulary of the Germanic tribes, Roman and French influences, and a little from the Icelandic. Under the influence of historical events today English has a complicated phonetic, grammatical structure, which is a result of the alloy, struggle, interpenetration at least 12 languages. And thanks to an active political role, it has spread to many areas and today has the status of international ("english as a world language").